Knight Endurance - An Introduction to the Tanking Spec

The Knight Endurance talent tree is arguably the best choice for tanking in Rift. If you choose to play a melee DPS character, you can take advantage of the special moves and powerful abilities that only melee classes have to offer, while still being able to conserve your mana and focus on dealing out punishment to enemies. These moves are what we call "nergy", which allows you to attack multiple opponents at a time, maximizing efficiency. Here is a rundown of the primary skills and talents associated with this tree.

Blinding Powder is one of the tanking abilities that allow you to quickly move away from an enemy. It does not matter if they are coming at you from behind or from the front-on-from the side, you will be able to disable them for a few seconds and inflict a good amount of damage. However, this is not the only ability for tanking in Rift. Sanguine Sprinkler and Plague Strike both use a casting cast that deal very high damage and cause enemies to have bleeding effects. You also get a nasty burst of damage from Knightly Flurry, which you can spam on an enemy.

Another important ability for tanking is Shattering Grip. This is an instant knockdown that stuns the target and removes all buffs that they have. While it is mostly effective for a single target and only deals significant damage on average, it still has great value as a CC ability. This is great for when you need to keep an enemy away from another or do not want to take too much damage from a particular area. It helps to cut down their mobility and makes them harder to engage or break out of sticky situations.

Knight's Resolve gives the Knight some additional resilience and defense against enemy abilities and damage. However, it is not enough to hold off attackers and needs to be backed up by other abilities. Knight's Defensive Ballista is an excellent option for that. It deals additional damage to enemies that cross it, while Knightly Shield absorbs up to a third of damage taken and gives nearby allies a small amount of protection. Click here for more details about 持久液官網

In tanking, you want to take advantage of abilities that either reduce damage taken, or increase outgoing healing done. Blood Fury is a great choice for this, as it deals huge damage in a short amount of time and heals nearby allies. Fingers of Frost and Ice Storm are both fantastic for increasing healing and reducing damage taken, respectively. Finally, Knight's Vigor is an excellent option for tanking, particularly in groups or raid situations. It improves stamina, increases shield absorption and even allows the Knight to ignore some armor types for a short period of time.

The key to successful tanking is having plenty of options for self-healing and buffering outgoing damage. Knight's Resolve is a good option for increasing both of these, while also making the enemy less likely to break free of your CC's. In addition, Knight's Elbow Barriers make taking on multiple opponents much more difficult. Knight's Judgment is another great choice for tanking, as it allows the Knight to deal a lot more damage in a shorter amount of time. Finally, Knight's Distracting Dance helps Knight tanks to stay out of the direct line of fire of other players. This ability allows them to keep their tankiest teammate, usually the Knight, alive in case of enemy initiations and other sticky situations.


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